URL shortener for marketers and campaign tracking

Short link generator to create short trackable links, QR code integration and analytics for all your online campaigns.

Note: The public short links are auto-expired after 24 hours, sign up for a custom duration.

Custom Expiration Date

Set a specific expiration date for your shortened links to expire after a certain period.

Report & Analytics

Track and analyze the performance of your shortened links with detailed analytics and insights.

Branded Links

Create branded or custom short links that reflect your brand or company name aliases.

Track clicks, locations, devices, referral and more.

Powerful click reports to monitor your short url metrics. e.g number of clicks, location of users, IP address, and the device where the link was opened.

Link shortening software with custom QR code and unlimited clicks tracking

Sign up now to access the best link shortening tool and track your link clicks online.

  • Team collaboration
  • Unlimited clicks
  • API access
  • Cancel at any time
Link shortener
IDM Chrome extension

Install Chrome Extension

Get the extension to generate short links automatically with one-click